Taking Chances…



“Earth to Houston…1 2 3”

Tina was feeling relieved and angry at the same time, because she thought she was late for her date with her best friend and here she was being ignored like she wasn’t even there.

Nisha suddenly looked up at her friend, feeling surprised at herself for being lost in thoughts.

“Oh you are here already; I thought you would be late, sorry I was thinking about something.”

“Yeah honey, I am late, and I have been here talking to you since last few minutes.”

“Wow, really? Didn’t notice you.”

Tina was starting get worried about her friend this was not like her at all, lately she had been acting like an alien. She tried to subtly talk about it.

“Is everything alright Nisha?”

“Yeah…all is great. I was just lost in thoughts.”

Tina knew Nisha would tell her whatever it was by herself so she didn’t press further. She tried something more cheerful.

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